Healthy High-Protein Gummies
Our new obsession 🙌
My kids adore anything gummy related, so this new addition to our pantry is perfect.
These gummies make a perfect high-protein lunchbox snack, after school snack or after dinner treat.
I used the Nutra Organics Gutsy Gummies mix.
I made each colour batch by 1/3 of the packet instructions, which was enough to fill 1 tray of molds for each flavour, with a little extra left over mixture.
Simply mix the gummy powder with water until it forms a mixture. Then add hot water to dissolve, and fill the gummy molds.
Refrigerate for 2 hours and voila!
I store the gummies in a container in the fridge, but they don’t melt when left out of the fridge like traditional jelly (I tested it), so they are perfect for the lunchbox!!
Now I have a week-worth of “treats” that I can bribe my kids with 😊👌😆
Next time I’ll be trying this by mixing with fruit puree, custard or yogurt.
Let me know if you try this.
Featured lunchbox : Teal Rainbow Bento Lunchbox.
Gummy Moulds here
Watch the full video here